A message from our Chairman
This charity supports research and education to enhance human health in our local area and by influencing developments in the wider world. Our research covers unanswered medical questions relating to human disease and the problems of safe, economic and nutritious food production.
Professor Colin G Fink B.Sc, MB, PhD, FRCPath
Chairman and Jt Trustee
Trustees of the Medical and Life Sciences Research Fund
Professor Colin G Fink B.Sc, MB, PhD, FRCPath
Committee lists
The Lord Lieutenant of Warwickshire Mr Tim Cox
The Lord Lieutenant of the West Midlands Mr John Crabtree, OBE
Sir Paul Nurse, Nobel Laureate
Vice Presidents
The Marquess of Hertford
The Bishop of Coventry: The Right Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth
Mr Robert Waley-Cohen
Professor C G Fink B.Sc MB, ChB, PhD, FRC Path
Professor C Dowson BSc PhD
Dr A Shehu MD FRCP
Dr M Atkins BSc (Hons) MSc MBBS FRCPath